The discovery of the Safe-T-Tyre Pressure Monitoring System has made things easier for new and experienced drivers. This system is able to monitor tyre pressure in real-time and notify the driver whenever the pressure goes below or above the recommended limits. Some of the benefits of using the Safe-T-Tyre Pressure Monitoring System include:
You can lose a lot of fuel if your tyres are under-inflated. According to tyre experts, a tyre that is under-inflated by 9% can raise fuel consumption by up to 5%. With a working TPMS, it will be easy to maintain the correct tyre pressure and attain better fuel economy.
The main reason for worn-out tyres is mechanical and thermal overload normally caused by under-inflation. Such overload contributes to ply separation, casing breakdowns, tyre disintegration, and sidewall damage. This means that your tires will wear out before the projected lifespan.
Although this is a benefit that is normally overlooked, having a quality TPMS boosts the quality of the air we breathe. This is because under-inflated tyres release higher amounts of carbon monoxide, which is hazardous to human beings and animals.
The number of accidents caused by under-inflated tyres is overwhelming. If your tyres don’t have the right pressure, your driving patterns at high speeds will be highly affected. Whether you want to use your family car or tow a caravan to take your family on a holiday, ensure that it has a high-quality TPMS installed. The good thing about the Safe-T-Tyre Pressure Monitoring System is that it offers easy DIY installation.
Optimal tyre pressure helps to make the car more stable due to even distribution of weight. It also improves cornering, handling and stopping. The Safe-T-Tyre Pressure Monitoring System comes with an audible alarm to inform the driver whenever the tyres are under-inflated.
Make your driving safer, more efficient and less costly by installing the Safe-T-Tyre Pressure Monitoring System. We here at Sunrise Caravans can help. Ask one of our friendly team about how you can get your hands on this amazing piece of innovative technology! #followyourdreams
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